


ものづくりへのこだわり「孤性」について 最新情報 オリジナルジュエリー 作品紹介 アイテム別ラインアップ オーダーメード制作例 リフォーム制作例 展示会のご案内など 過去の展示会 コンテスト受賞作品 デザイナー紹介 MAIL POST




  Born in TOKYO in 1967
  Graduated from Hiko Mizuno Jewelry Collage,Jewelry Design
  Major in 1988.
  Freelance jewelry designer since 1990.

 ◇ Awarded at "the Platinum Jewelry Collection 100"
 ◇ Won Design Prize at "the Jewelry Collective Contest"
 ◇ Exhibitied in "the Basel Fair" / Switerland
 ◇ a Fashion Show hosted by the Jewelry College of Yamanashi
 ◇ Prefecture,"Tamatebako Exhibition" at gallery IF / Tokyo
 ◇ "The Session A.A.O." ,group exhibition at gallery six / Tokyo
 ◇ "CHIC" ,exhibit for two at gallery IF / Tokyo
 ◇ "Volont'e R.S." ,exhibit for two at gallery six / Tokyo
 ◇ Artistic Jewelry Exhibition at
    gallery six / Tokyo
    gallery IF / Tokyo
    MadameBlanche / Osaka
    gallery Yurie / Karuizawa
 ◇ Given an opportunity to display and sell her art works at a SEIBU
   Department store.
 ◇ "BETTA" AQUAJEWELRY”exhibit for two at Obravida/SHIBUYA
 ◇ "ANNIVERSARY2000 CROSS DESIGN" exhibit for two at Obravida/
 ◇ Artistic Jewelry Exhibition at Galatea Fareast/IBARAKI
 ◇ Artistic Jewelry Exhibition at gallery six / Tokyo
 ◇ "R.R." ,collaboration Exhibition at gallery six / Tokyo

 ◇ Exhibition at Fayetteville Museum of Art(U.S.A.)2003.Oct.
 ◇ Exhibition at Fayetteville Museum of Art(U.S.A.)2004.May.
 ◇ Exhibition at Fayetteville Museum of Art(U.S.A.)2005.Jan.

1997.9 Allright reserved by ran sugishita